Commission Process
The commission process is so exciting for myself and for my clients. This piece was commissioned by a young couple who lived on Thorney Island.
They had seen my work and loved the idea of having their very own bespoke original piece depicting where they lived and their favourite pieces. As it was a wedding gift to themselves I had a deadline.
We chatted and I had some ideas and I suggested we meet up so that they could show me around their favourite places they wanted me to paint. They were local to me so this wasn’t a problem. I am happy to travel to gain photos and “feel” the area that is special to clients. This isn’t always necessary though as I have travelled extensively and generally have an idea of the town/beach/countryside they are wanting.
So after taking some photos the clients usually send me some photos of their own of people, places, pets, houses, boats etc that are much loved and must be included.
After my meeting with Monty and Jenna I went back to my studio and sketched what I had seen and using their photos I came up with a beautifully long canvas to fit their space. As I make my own canvasses each one can be tailored to suit.
The sketch is then sent and agreed and altered as necessary. Next it moves form a sketch on paper on to the large canvas. Here it can change slightly and become more organic. This sketch is also then sent across to the clients.
Next the colours are mixed, and the first coat hits the canvas. I photograph this and send to the clients just to confirm that they are happy with the colours. If they need tweaking this is when we do it!
Layers upon layers now and the process is slow and I have to allow plenty of drying time between coats.
The clients are always kept up to date via photographs so that they can see the progress.
The final stage is outlining the block colours in a black oil pen. Some is freehand and some are created using a straight edge.
Then that’s it! Its signed and delivered straight to their home.